Trust what you feel, listen to your truth, and know what you are ready to release is ready to release you too.

This is from my Break Free Program - Releasing yourself from the past.

A Reminder…

I was taught as a small girl how much influence I have and how I can change outcomes with my thoughts and intentions. Let's face it, there is a lot in this world that can wipe you off your feet, it is nice to think there is someone or something on your side. and your instincts truly have your back.

In order to have influence, you must feel safe.

Life is fluid with an ever-changing landscape; it never stops or lets you get too comfortable. When you love and empower yourself as a choice, then everything in your life changes and one of the most powerful aspects is how others see and treat you. When you value yourself, fewer people will mess with you; however, we all know how hurt we can become and how we can hold onto these hurts, sometimes for decades.

It is easy to become weak to circumstances, and people, even family, can throw you into questioning your very being.

Overthinking or questioning will reduce your inner power. In fact, it can wipe you out. I meet with women and men who lack confidence and belief in who they are. They spend their waking moments focusing on what is not working, forgetting how skilled they are because their inner life does not line up with their outer life. They feel unsafe and lost.

Feeling confused zaps the life/energy out of you, which is why it is so important to harmonise the inner you first as then your confidence soars.

Knowing that your thoughts have power and connection to spirit, also knowing that you have control over these and you can with the right information, cut yourself free from the binds of the past.

The Power Of The Mind

Your mind can be your most powerful spiritual resource, and here is why… You either use your mind as an asset that serves you, or you use it as a weapon that can destroy you, your hopes and your dreams. Your mind can stop you from living the life you truly want.

I want to ensure you have the resources to help you maximise the rest of your life.

Your thought process and what you nurture through your mind, you attract and can make all the difference to the outcomes you desire. It truly works, and I am living proof of this fact. I have a hectic mind due to being a 6, day born. I know that channelling my thoughts and aligning these with my instincts can increase attraction and change the outcomes.

What I say over and over to myself uplifts my energy or drains it.

I remember the day I realised I must be responsible for my thoughts; it was a daunting one, it threw me off, and I struggled to see how my thoughts were my fault. The truth was, they were bad, and I needed to do something about them. I knew nothing would change unless I changed my inner world. I use to cry a lot because I always felt a loss and sadness, I could not put my finger on why it plagued me.

I now know…

What you say to yourself is part of why you remain hostage to the past. Do you understand this?

Staying accountable about how you use your mind and spiritual resources is essential to living a happy life. When you feel out of control, when your thoughts are used as a weapon, you won't feel good, you will feel tired and depleted. Worst of all, you will feel like you will never be able to have what you want. This is a lie.

I have great news - you can change this and you can change everything about your life.

Changing my thoughts changed my life forever. I now reach my goals and live a balanced and happy life, which I know is due to using my mind as my asset. I also show others how and why you are here.

You can do the same, it does take time and, most of all being consistent, but truly, it works a treat.

I have noticed how much happier my life is and how much more open things are to me now. Ten years ago, when I was working in my corporate job, I was unhappy, always tired and stressed; my life felt out of control, and I had very little passion for my daily life – it must have been hardest on my girls.

When I made the decision to move and change, it seemed like one of the worst financial moves I could make. Within six months, I was no longer tired, my passion had increased, my stress had reduced, and best of all, I was so much happier. I wasn't even worried that I had next to no income, all I knew was how good I felt, and within a year, the income grew.

I am telling you this because I don’t want you to think my life was always this rosy; I have truly walked the talk and made my life better by using the tools I share with you.

These tools helped me build confidence and changed my life forever. This a winning formula and seriously not to be dismissed; put the time into you, and the rewards will shine like the superstar you are.

I will show you how many assets you already have within you, and as long as you stay with them - I know it will change lives.

Thousands of men and women I have worked with have transformed their internal lives, allowing them to live a more empowered and happier life.

If you feel the past is still walking beside you, then this is the program for you. Break Free - release the binding cords of fear, bad habits, money blocks and relationships that still lock you into living in lack or fear.

When learning my intuitive way of life, I was first taught that everything begins with a thought, that magic is created from desire and dedication, and that the Universe responds to clarity and desire. If you confuse the Universe, you will remain locked into lack.