
We use fear in our daily lives like measure, when we need to keep fear in check.


At its most basic level, fear is a vital tool for the human race. When you are threatened fear triggers your adrenaline to kick in, helping you make the right “fight or flight” response to survive.

Fear is a dangerous emotion to live with constantly. It creates blocks and in the long term, serious health issues. It is often nurtured unnecessarily, out of habit or fear of what is left once it is released.

Anxiety feeds fear and keeps you physically weak. There are many side effects of living in fear such as high stomach acid, bowel problems, insomnia, skin irritations, and headaches. The most concern I have is how fear separates you from your potential; it immobilises you and hinders you from moving on. Worst of all, fear keeps you from achieving your dreams, it holds you back from loving and reaching financial goals. It prevents you from living freely and with a consistent feeling of joy. Most people believe fear is difficult to overcome and you have to live with it. This is a lie. Fear does have a place but is not to be chewed over or marinaded in.

What most don’t realise is that it is extremely important to learn ways of dissipating or softening fear, enough to move through it.

The secret!

Don’t try to become fearless, which is simply denial.

Instead, face up to your fears and work through them piece by piece.

If you constantly believe you lack something and go over and over it in your mind with the same negative affirmations, it will inevitably attract further negativity into your life. It will definitely hold you back and limit you from living with loving relationships and hinder you from achieving good stuff in your career.

There has been a very interesting study produced on this phenomenon by acclaimed British professor Richard Wiseman. He studied the beliefs and theories behind luck and showed that both good and bad luck could result from measurable habits. ‘

Lucky people, who expected good luck, often spent more effort in their endeavours, resulting in more success, and reinforcing their belief in good luck. These people were outgoing and observant and therefore had more chance encounters than unlucky people. Lucky people were also more likely to look on the bright side of bad encounters.

Within you there exists a creative flow of energy that seeks to become alive – and chooses to be born to manifest your true success, whether you’re consciously aware of it or not. Connecting with this energy will help you to feel more confident, increasing that vital sense of self-worth in the process and allowing you to find your BIG WHY.

The Universe wants what is best for you and fear is a lie that tricks you into believing the things that hold you hostage. Now, fear is natural to keep you safe and best not to be used as a weapon, against yourself.

One of our missions is to put fear in its place, as once you surrender your fears, they will no longer hold you hostage.

Releasing fear and clearing the past.

I am going to help you clear the past and put a few things to bed if you are ready and keen?

Before we begin to build, first you must clear.

Clearing energy is essential to creating the new you, and today I want to help you prepare to clear that heavy energy that you may not even realise is there. This is the first part of a two-part process to allow you to clear the unwanted.

Fear creates a survival pattern, which is often on rinse and repeat and awareness is the first step to freedom.

Once you make the shift with your mind, your living reality will take a bit to catch up, and when it does, you are fully aligned with your inner and outer reality and honouring your priestess.

Go to the question in your workbook #3

Then you will work on changing some of those bad habits.

You cannot simultaneously think negative and attract positive.

The Mantra

I am safe

I am powerful

I am loved

I begin my day with confidence and everything I focus on matters to me.

I am valued and those I work with and love see and hear me.

I am powerful

I am clever

I trust my self

I am enough

I know there is enough in the world for me to live an abundant life, which means...

I am safe enough to begin working towards the healthy abundant life I want

The universe has my back

I am ready