Mercury Retrograde

A quick and dirty guide to surviving Mercury Retrograde! 

The Quick Tip Survival Guide to Mercury Retrograde  

Mercury is like having a kid’s party at your house, you are well organised with designated areas and then they turn the house upside down, dance on your tables, draw on your walls, flush all your toilet paper and paint the dog and with in a flash they are gone leaving you stunned how such small individuals only eating sugar could take you down so hard.  

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then imagine this... All the planets move and change and these shifts affect us all in different ways. All planets go retrograde, but Mercury’s journey seems to affect our daily much more than any other. Even those who don’t consider astrology, numerology or hocus pocus of any sort know about MR as it’s crazy can hit us hard. 

Why is that? It’s because Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel, IT, and legal and It is easy enough to let life get on top of you when you are busy and lose sight of your plans and passion then Mercury Retrograde hits and takes those emotions to the next level because it puts you in reverse without a backing camera. You might get into arguments that you would normally stay clear of and all you want is a long bath for three weeks. MR periods seem to intensify heavy energy, hinder communication and people more potently than expected so here are some tips on how to work with MR. 

A quick and dirty guide to surviving… 

Mercury Retrograde! 

  • Don't take things too personally. People will often say offensive things they didn’t mean and push your buttons because their thinking is clouded and their communication skills are on pause! If someone close to you suddenly becomes the most insensitive person in the world, give them the benefit of the doubt and let it pass, just while MR is here anyway. Communication can be a mess right now, but do your best to get as much information as you can. 

  • Back up your data! Dropbox is a good solution. IT is often affected during MR periods so back up and have your IT guru on hand. 

  • Try not to purchase any big-ticket items, because they will often have flaws or issues that you weren’t aware of! This does not mean life stops just because of wacky planetary movement, so if you absolutely have to get that car, computer or iPhone, TRIPLE-check all the paperwork, and make sure you have a warranty!  

  • Take things with a grain of salt. Everyone is a bit confused, and people are much more inclined to change their minds once or twice. Mercury can be a bit of a trickster! 

  • Read the small print on all contracts, in fact, make sure you do this all year anyway which means there is a strong backlash. Ask lots of questions. Again, you can’t put your life on hold just because of some silly planet, but adapt your lifestyle a bit so that things run more smoothly.  

  • Finish things you started a while ago. Projects, home reno’s, money clean-ups, re-organisations of anything around the home etc. This is an excellent time to tie up loose ends and file things away forever, truly forever, and make the most of this time! 

  • Get together with old friends and laugh! Watch funny movies, eat, drink and be social… 

  • Double-check any information you’re given, especially as relates to travel arrangements, check times, delays, baggage allowances, reservations… everything! Travelling during MR can be daunting and making sure your passport is up to date and you are flying on… is essential as these things are easy to muck up because we are our own travel agents nowadays, not always best if your attention to detail sucks. 

  • Allow Mercury to nudge you in unusual directions. If you seem to find yourself “back to the future”— look at what the universe is trying to show you. What can you learn from this situation? This is a fantastic time to re-examine, accept and move on. 

  • Do not launch anything new, nothing… try and work around it in fact plan away from MR as it only makes it harder to succeed when a project or a plan is launched during this time. If you have no option but to start a new job or be a part of a launch then keep all the earlier 9 steps in mind, plus perform a protection ritual around this plan. 

Try this while MR is impacting your daily life 

  • Focus on the passionate side of your relationship or if you are without one, then love yourself unconditionally by reading books alone that inspire you by putting yourself through a three-week self love and nurture program. 

  • Do some clearing around the home, car and office but make sure you take it slowly and try not to involve anyone else because you may throw something out that they want to keep, rather focus on you and you alone. 

  • Go to the movies, or watch old movies that you laugh or take long walks with friends, fun days or fun events. I like to include animals as they always love you and during MR you need this. 

  • Don’t focus on the hurt, let shit go instead design a three-week gratitude plan and do something daily that lifts your soul. 

  • Relax and love you – I always find the bath is great, take oil baths with oils that nurture such as Patchouli, Lavender, and Sweet Orange. Light candles but make sure they are safe, and can’t fall over or hurt anyone, think it through it is MR after all. 

  • Design a plan and take it slow.

  • MR is great for research and detail. 

  • Take a break but make sure if you travel you are SUPER clear on your plans, that your tickets are right, your passport is valid and make sure the holiday is restful and very slow. Pack clothes in your carry-on as if your bag is going to go on a journey of its own, it will do this during MR.  


This is a nice tip during an MR period, when things get or feel tough – release the drama by blowing up a balloon and with each breath state something you would like to release and once it’s done, let it fly.
MR is not the time to sweep things under the carpet but deal with them face them and do the necessary but only the necessary or you may complicate things you simply don’t need to.  

Remember this -  
I am a being of unlimited potential, able to manifest anything I want

Most of all slow everything down, take your time because the energy is going backwards. 

2023 Dates, put these in your diary.

29 December 22 - 19 January 23

21 April - 15 May

24 August - 16 September

13 December. - 2 January 24